Here is this week’s Parent Bulletin with information regarding: CEF 24-25 applications Registration for 24-25 Together in Mission Service Hours 2.20.24 Parent Bulletin.pptx
Here are some key points in this week’s bulletin: Upcoming Events Early Registration CEF Applications Valentine’s Day Roses Together in Mission Campaign 2.5.24 Parent Bulletin
Here is this week’s parent bulletin containing news about: Tomorrow’s PTO Meeting Early Dismissal Days Fundraising Events 8th Grade Parent Meeting 11.6.23 Newsletter
October 30, 2023 by Maryann Reynoso | Posted In:Miscellaneous
Students will participate in Red Ribbon Week activities this week. Parents, here are more activities you can do with your children at home in order to help prevent drug and alcohol abuse:
The Back to School Night Administration Slides can be found here: BSN Administrative Presentation 23-24 (ENGLISH) BSN Administrative Presentation 23-24 (ESPANOL)
8.28.23 Newsletter This week’s newsletter includes: Calendar Updates Back to School Night Church Raffle Tickets Uniform Reminders Service Hour Opportunities