10.25.22 Parent Bulletin (1) This week’s Parent Bulletin includes: Harvest Festival Parent Tech Workshop Early Dismissal Piece of Cake Honor Roll Assembly
Please see this week’s Parent Bulletin with updates on Parent-Teacher Conferences, Mass, Raffle Tickets, Registration, CEF applications, and more! Thank you!4.4.22 Parent Newsletter.
Hello SMS Families, Please see the most recent COVID procedure updates for San Miguel School. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. 3.20.22 COVID Updates
Hello SMS Families! Please see this week’s bi-weekly bulletin and April Calendar. Remember that the master calendar is updated frequently and can be accessed by clicking here. 3.21.22 Parent Newsletter April Calendar
Hello SMS Families, Here is this week’s bulletin and the calendar for March. The live master calendar can be viewed here as well. Thank you and God bless. March Calendar 2.22.22 Parent Newsletter