This week’s bulletin featuring: Multicultural Day Activities and Menu Available Spaces for 24-25 School Year Annual Fee for 24-25 Incentive 5.20.24 Parent Bulletin.pptx
Here are some highlights in this week’s bulletin: CEF Applications for 24-25 School Year Registration Fees Kona Ice is Coming! Helping Hands Fundraiser Important Dates in March 3.4.24 Parent Bulletin
Here is this week’s Parent Bulletin with information regarding: CEF 24-25 applications Registration for 24-25 Together in Mission Service Hours 2.20.24 Parent Bulletin.pptx
Here are some key points in this week’s bulletin: Upcoming Events Early Registration CEF Applications Valentine’s Day Roses Together in Mission Campaign 2.5.24 Parent Bulletin
Here is this week’s parent bulletin containing news about: Tomorrow’s PTO Meeting Early Dismissal Days Fundraising Events 8th Grade Parent Meeting 11.6.23 Newsletter